0 to 100 iPad App Beautifully Gives You the Faces, Advice and Stories of People at Each Stage of Life

0 to 100 is an iPad app filled with the faces of complete strangers. Why should you care? Because all those people come together in the app to show each stage of life, from birth until 100 years old. Each picture comes with a little info about the person and when they're young, it captures the childlike wonder and naivety of youth and when they get older, the time distilled wisdom of age.

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It's refreshing! We only have one life to live and sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that. It's beautiful! The photography of each person is awesome. And it's insighful! A 3rd year old says: "I'll be a princess. A rock star. I'll be a princess rock star". The 100 year old? "You don't have to worry about anything. You let other people do the worrying."

It's a big app at nearly 300 MB but it's free and will make you smile more than a couple times. [iTunes via 0 to 100 Project via Co.]
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